words happy easter with flowers and greenery

Mission Statement: Our Lady of the Assumption School Commits itself to provide an education based on catholic values and academic excellence in a caring and safe atmosphere in  partnership with the family and parish  community.

From the Desk of the Principal…April 27,  2022

The Virtue  for the Month of April 

Justice : Being fair and giving each their duescales of justice  made of clipart people

Clearing Up Misunderstandings:

The first extreme views justice in merely negative terms - as in punishing criminals who deserve it.  But while Christ comes to judge the earth with lightning in his eyes in one aspect of justice, it would be a mistake to think of justice only as dealing our punishment. Justice is a virtue that is first and foremost a positive thing. We give God his due in the form of love, service, and gratitude as our Creator.  Living justly toward God is to render him these things perfectly. We give our neighbor their due when we respect laws and law enforcement, pay our taxes, and live in our community justly.

The other extreme  is viewing justice as a vague and sentimental desire to help everyone. This is often under the guise of “social justice.” Charity, which inspires compassion, should motivate us to help our neighbor, not justice. To avoid violating natural law in the name of justice, we must first understand what right God actually gave us and not invent rights that do not exist. 

Justice, then respects the rights of others, whether those rights are natural or legal. 

Our students are learning about the virtue of Justice through the example of  the Saints.  The Saints they will be learning from this month are St. Anthology of Padua  for grades Preschool through Second grade, St. Katharine Drexel for grades Three through Five and St. Thomas More for grades Six through Eighth. 

Wednesday in the 2nd Week of Eastertide Eastertide 2022 by Sigma Sky, LLC

St Louis Grignion de Montfort

Acts 5:17-26. The Lord hears the cry of the poor – Psalm 33(34):2-9. John 3:16-21.

To live the truth of what Jesus shared with us

It’s perhaps not surprising that ‘John 3:16’ is such an iconic Biblical passage – even appearing on bumper stickers and T-shirts. It captures the essence of what we believe about Jesus and what his death and resurrection mean for the world.

Sadly this Gospel reading has tended to be used as a source of as much as it's used as an invitation into conversation. Seeing the world divided between those who believe and those who don’t believe, between those who seek the light and those who prefer darkness, can lead people into judgment and exclusion. Yet this judgment and exclusion isn’t God’s desire.

The last line of today’s reading holds the key – ‘whoever lives in truth comes to the light’. Our job isn’t to isolate ourselves, but to live the truth of what Jesus shared with us. That is the way of Christ – to build relationships and bring others with us as we all journey towards God.

Remember to check out the OLA Silent Auction items. Grab some great deals and help support our school! Use the link below to shop through the auction site and place your bid.

Auction ends Saturday April 30th at 6:30pm.


Contents of Brown Envelope

  • Spring Pictures & Picture Proof  (if you did not order)

  • Father/Daughter Save the Date

Calendar Highlights            

  • Wednesday,  April 27                    First Holy Communion Meeting & Practice

                                                                                  6pm in the Church                                                        

  • Saturday April 30                            Starry Nights City Lights Auction Dinner

  • Friday May 6                                        May Crowning Mass in the Plaza @9:30 

  • Saturday May 7                                 First Holy Communion

  • Monday May 9                                   Whole School Mass/ First Holy  Communion Breakfast for                                                                           2nd Grade

  • Friday May 13                                    Noon Dismissal-Deanery Meeting

  • Friday May 20                                  Best Day Ever/Parents Night Out

  • Monday May 30                              No School-Memorial Day

Réunion D Information Parents Clipart Parent-teacher - Parent Meeting Png Transparent PNG - 900x450 - Free Download on NicePNG

Parents - Back to Campus!

We have begun welcoming parents back to campus to volunteer. We would like to begin with Lunch Duty.  All volunteers on campus must be up to date with their  Virtus Certification.  If you are interested in volunteering during lunch and you want to check your status please email me at principal@olaventura.org.  If you are a new parent and would also like to volunteer please email me as well. 

 Please report to duty no later than 11:50 am to get signed in and pick up a badge.  Lunch is from 12:00 pm to 12:40 pm. 

We are happy to welcome you back!

OLA Auction Raffle 4/27/22 Update !

OLA Auction Raffle Update!

Today, Wednesday, April 27th at 3:00pm is the LAST DAY to turn in your raffle tickets to be eligible for the “Student Raffle Prizes” and the “Tuition Voucher” raffle for full or half tuition for the 2022-23 school year.

We have currently raised $27,920!!  However, we are still $2,080 away from our goal of $30,000. 

If we meet our school-wide goal, all of the students at the whole school will earn a Kona Ice Party and Ms. Fussell & Mrs. McReynolds will do a hilarious Principal & Vice-Principal stunt that the students will get to choose!

FINAL TWINKLE TROLLEY coming to the classrooms on Friday April 29th !!

And remember, if you sell an additional 10 tickets by today, your student(s) will earn the Twinkle Trolley in their classroom this Friday morning!

Also, the RAFFLE RALLY will take place this Friday in the Mulcahy Center  at 1pm!  At the Rally, we will announce the winners of:

·      The top 3 student (family) sellers 

·      Top 3 classes with the highest ticket sales

·      The Classes with 100% participation

·      And if we met the school wide goal of $30,000

 In-n-Out for 50 tickets!

Congratulations to the students in these families who have sold 50 or more tickets so far!! These students will earn a catered In-n-Out lunch on a date to be announced soon!                          

Get to 50 tickets by today, Wednesday 4/27 at 3:00pm, and your child can earn In-n-Out too!!

Alvarado, Capra, Duddy, Giammanco, Marzahl, O’Neill, Panza & Root

The Raffle is an essential fundraiser for our school!  Thank you to everyone for your support!  Please turn in as many Raffle Tickets as you can by today, Wednesday April 27th by the 3:00pm deadline, so we can meet our school wide goal of $30K!  We are soooo close!!  Tickets can still be purchased after today but will not qualify for student prizes and the tuition drawing.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Bamieh at (805) 340-9168 / jenniferbamieh@yahoo.com or Amber McCalister at (805) 320-5911 / ambermccalister@gmail.com.

Registration — Jin-A Child Care Center

Re-Registration Reminders are being sent for those families who have not paid.  If you paid half of the registration the balance is due on Friday, May 6th. Please return the form even if you are not returning next year. We have begun testing new students for opening spots.

Yearbook Pre-orders: 2021-2022 OLA School yearbook pre-orders are due in the school office by April 27th.  

OLA Parish News:


3:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the OLA Church  ~ Monday thru Friday and afterwards pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary. 

Edge tonight, 6 to 7:30 pm. Junior high youth in grades 6-8 are welcome.  Please contact OLA youth minister, Gabe Rivera, for more information at youthministry@ola-vta.org or 805-642-7966 x121.


Starry Nights City Lights 

Auction Dinner

We are looking forward to seeing our guests at the auction dinner. The attire for the evening is Smart Casual. Group tables  have been filled, the rest of the seating will be first come first serve. Join us at 5:30 for cocktails, dinner will be served at 7:00 pm. Stay for dancing, raffle drawing and the tuition drawing. Winner for the tuition must be present at the auction to win. 

Help make our biggest fundraiser a smashing success!

Get ready to bid, bid, bid!

The OLA 2022 Starry Nights, City Lights

On-line silent auction is open! 

Click the link, get signed up and be ready to bid!

https://olas.betterworld.org/ auctions/starry-nights-city- lights-ola-20

  • This is our biggest fundraising effort of the year. Don’t miss out on some fantastic items and, of course, the ever-popular Principal, Secretary and Librarian for a day. 

  • The online auction will run until Saturday, April 30th at 6:30pm.  Items open for bidding on the online auction site will only be available on the online auction site. 

  • Be sure to enable text notifications so you know if you’ve been outbid! 

  • New items will be added throughout the auction bidding window so remember to bookmark the site and check back routinely.

Thank you for supporting OLA! 

Questions, please contact Erin Canavan at canavanerin1@gmail.com or

Jen Colliti at jengirlc@gmail.com

Starry Nights City Lights ~ Volunteers Needed!

Our OLA Annual Auction Dinner is approaching, and we have a fun night planned including cocktails, a silent & live auction featuring classroom projects, dinner and dancing.  

As with any school event, volunteers are essential, and we need your help! Just a few hours of your time can help make this event a smashing success. Volunteer hours (up to 5) can be banked and applied for the next school year when parent hour requirements return.  Get a head start for next year! It’s also a great way to have fun and meet new parents. 

Helpers are needed  for the following: 

  • Live Auction Helpers

  • Check In Table

  • Drink Ticket Sales

  • Bank & Check Out Table

  • Clean Up

Choose your shift using Sign-Up Genius at 


Or  Contact Jen Colitti at jengirlc@gmail.com

Board Meeting Clipart

UPDATE:The next APA meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 6:30pm.  If you are interested in attending or joining the board please contact Jen Colitti at jengirlc@gmail.com .

Testing ~We have home test kits and PCR tests available in the office. Our lab pick up days will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays by noon. Coronavirus Rapid Diagnostic Test Device. Covid-19 Rapid Test Kit. Pandemic  Concept. Vector Illustration, Flat Design Royalty Free Cliparts, Vectors,  And Stock Illustration. Image 154220606.

 Please contact Gina Ravenscroft at gina@olaventura.org or Jennifer Colitti  at jennifer@olaventura.org.  You are also welcome to come into the office and pick up tests for your family. 

Reporting Absences

Please go onto our website to report absences.  Use the Button located on the homepage of the website.  The website generates a form which is given to the teacher daily.  Thank you.

The digital marquee birthday flier is available in the office.  Enjoy announcing your child's next birthday on the OLA marquee! Announcement cost is $10.

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers  enjoy the same wide selection of products, low prices, and  convenient shopping features as on Amazon.   The difference is that when you shop at https://smile.amazon.com the AmazonSmile Foundation donates 0.5% of the purchase price to  our school.

Please choose Our Lady of the Assumption School - Ventura. Thank you!

The best times to conduct school business in the office are:front office clipart


8:30 am - 12:00 

Lunch-Closed (12:00-12:50)

12:50 - 2:15pm

After Dismissal hours:


 Please do not come in during dismissal. We are calling students for pick-up and are unable to give you uninterrupted attention.  The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm-12:50pm, if your child needs to leave early from school Please pick them up before 12:00 pm or after 12:50pm. 


OLA Church is offering in person training for both Keeping the Promise Alive and Protecting God’s Children. These sessions will be led by Dea Boheme.  Please call Dea at 805. 390 .1260  to reserve a spot. 

Protecting God’s Children training is the 3 hr sessions ( For first time Certification) :

  • May 14, 2022 from 1:30  pm - 4:30 pm  Location: Santa Cruz Room 

Keeping the Promise Alive these are hour and ½ session ( Re-certification) : 

  • May 2, 2022 from 6 pm - 7:30 pm : Location-  Santa Cruz Room

Fingerprinting Date and Location:

  • April 26, 2022 

St Paschal Baylon 155 E. Janss  Rd. (Hall Room 1) 

155 E. Janss Rd. 

Thousand Oaks

For appointment register online at 



Student Learning Expectations (SLE’S)

OLA Students aim for the S.T.A.R.S when they: