clipart sun with words  - happy summer

Mission Statement: Our Lady of the Assumption School Commits itself to provide an education based on catholic values and academic excellence in a caring and safe atmosphere in  partnership with the family and parish  community.

From the Desk of the Principal…June 24, 2022

Happy Summer!  

Our prayer is for  everyone to enjoy a safe and fun summer! We know that the season brings time to travel, relax, and spend time with family and friends. We hope that you will continue to make reading and Mass part of your routine each week! 

Thank you so much to everyone who gave their input on our survey this spring. After much consideration and deliberation we have decided to move forward with noon dismissal on Thursday for the 2022-2023 school year.  This will allow our faculty and staff the time needed to collaborate and prepare for our WCEA/WASC  accreditation visit this year. 

ACS WASC ( Accrediting Commission for Schools - Western Association of Schools and Colleges) ACS WASC accreditation is a process schools use to monitor student learning and set school improvement goals. ACS WASC accreditation is an ongoing cycle of quality. Schools assess their program and the impact on student learning with respect to the ACS WASC criteria and other accreditation factors.

Every six years, accredited schools conduct a self-study and host a self-study visit. The self-study process culminates in the refinement of a schoolwide action plan. Throughout the accreditation cycle, schools are expected to address the schoolwide action plan and demonstrate evidence of acceptable student achievement and school improvement. Appropriate reports and reviews throughout the six-year cycle of accreditation support this process. 

OLA School is thrilled to announce our new app for mobile phones! Stay up-to-date with access to events, documents, news from administrators, student stories, and even emergency notifications.

OLA School App Video

 You can download the app for free on Google Play or Apple App Store. 

Download for Android

Download for iPhone

Choice Lunch Announcement 

We will not have Choice Lunch  as an option for the next school year. We will be looking for alternative lunch options for our lunch program preferably in the Ventura area.  Choice lunch has increased the cost of lunches  and has passed on additional charges to the school for not meeting minimum monthly orders. 

We will keep you informed as we solidify plans for next year. 


Teacher Update  for 2022-2023

We have some changes to our faculty and staff next year. Mrs. Ravenscroft has retired and we welcome Mrs. Colitti to the office. Mrs. Rose has retired from teaching but will  still be with us at OLA as our Librarian.  Mrs. Devericks is so excited to return to first grade, where she has taught previously at a different school. Mrs. Sassen, who has been with us as an aide and Art teacher, has completed her teaching credential and her masters of Education and is ready to take on the role of third grade teacher.  Mrs. Smithson, who has been with us as Librarian and long term sub, has also completed her teaching credential, will be our 4th grade teacher. We are also happy to welcome Ms. Jaymee Maus to our preschool, working  under Ms. Marci Gomez.  Faculty and Staff are already planning and are looking  forward to a fantastic 2022-2023 school year. 

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Ezekiel 34:11-16. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want – Psalm 22(23). Romans 5:5-11. Luke 15:3-7.

A universally diligent God

Today’s readings present an extremely hard-working God. As a ‘shepherd’, he searches for lost sheep; moreover, he ‘seeks out’ the really far-lost ones. He rescues them, he brings them out, he gathers them, he brings them to their own land, he feeds them. He makes them lie down, binds up the injured, strengthens the weak and, in a final lovely phrase, he ‘will feed them with justice’. In Luke, as Good Shepherd, he carries the lost sheep on his shoulders and gathers neighbors to celebrate its return. In the psalm, he prepares a table in the presence of enemies – which takes some defending. Metaphors point to invisible connections between things, a deeper level of reality. In Paul’s Letter to the Romans, he offers his Son in sacrifice, to produce reconciliation. The reality is, we have a universally diligent God, not someone resting on laurels. Father, come and work in our lives today. 

     Calendar Highlights           

July 5th-July 29th              Summer Preschool Program

August 18th                              First Day of School-All Students grades TK-8 Noon Dismissal

                                                              (7:55 am-12:00 pm) Extended Day Care Begins

August 19th                              All Students grades TK-8 Noon Dismissal 

                                                             ( 7:55 am-12:00 pm) Extended Day Care Available

August 22nd-26th             Grades TK, K & 1 only-Noon Dismissal   (7:55 am-12:00 pm)

                                                             Grades 2 thru 8 Regular School Day Extended Day Care Available

                                                             Extended Day Care registration packets are available

                                                             in the  school office.                           


Happy Summer

The school office will be open Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm for the summer months of July and August. 

OLA Summer Preschool

OLA will be offering a summer preschool program in July. Cost is $175.00 per week, 9:00am-2:00pm. Ages 3 to entry into kindergarten. Space is limited. Please register in the school office or contact Ms. Marci


The APA Board would like to thank all the wonderful  families of OLA for volunteering and participating in the many fundraising efforts this year. If you are interested in joining for the 2022-2023 school year  please contact Jennifer Bamieh

Test kits will be available in the office throughout the summer.  Please contact Jennifer Colitti at  You are also welcome to come into the office and pick up tests for your family. 


June - July 2022 

The Office of Safeguard the Children is proud to sponsor a series of VIRTUS® Protecting God’s Children and Keeping the Promise Alive Zoom Sessions during the months of June - July 2022. These sessions are for anyone who needs to complete Keeping the Promise Alive or Protecting God’s Children. If you want to register for a session, please click the link of the date you wish to attend. Once you register, you will receive an email confirmation with your Zoom session details. Note: Sessions are limited to 50 participants and are on a first-come basis. 

Keeping the Promise Alive Recertification 

(For Renewal Only) 

July 2022 

7/19 – 6 – 7:30 p.m. (English) Registration Link 

Protecting God’s Children 

(First Timer) 

July 2022 

7/14 – 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. (English) Registration Link 

7/21 – 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. (English) Registration Link 

Training at OLA

OLA Church is offering in person training for both Keeping the Promise Alive and Protecting God’s Children. These sessions will be led by Dea Boheme. 

Register with Dea  at 805. 390 .1260  to reserve a spot. Trainings will begin again in August , 2022

On campus options:  

Aug. 20      Hurley Hall     Protecting God's Children    1-4 pm.

Aug. 26       Santa Cruz     Fingerprinting    11-7 pm.

Aug. 27       Santa Cruz     Keeping the Promise Alive    1-2:30 pm

**Fingerprinting will be in our parish on  Friday, August 26 in the Santa Cruz Room.  Please call the parish office at 805-642-7966 to schedule your appointment. 

Student Learning Expectations (SLE’S)

OLA Students aim for the S.T.A.R.S when they: